Part 29: You Died

Just cleaning up some before heading to the final boss. We get some of the stuff that I missed. Not all of the stuff I missed, though. This is not a 100% LP after all. We do get to fight Twin Pursuers, though and we also challenge what's left of Vendrick.
For the PVP vid I'd have liked to get in a couple more people from the thread, but after last weeks coop session took much longer than expected I just fought some random people for the relevant parts instead.


If you want to fight Vendrick you should know about his weakness: Souls of Giants. The more you have the more vulnerable he will become. He'll start out having 32 times his normal defenses. It gets cut in half for every Soul of a Giant you possess currently, though it caps at five, at which point he'll have regular defenses. It's generally agreed upon that four Giant Souls are enough, because no one wants to fight the Ancient Dragon to get a fifth one.
He hits like a truck, but has a very limited moveset. You can fight him fair and square, but since one combo can kill you you probably want to cheese him by just hugging his left heel, which is his blind spot. It's impossible for him to hit you there. Even if it looks like his sword touches you, you'll be fine. It'll take a bit, because he has high HP no matter what but it will be relatively easy as long as you make sure to trot at his heel like a loyal poodle. Only you maim his foot also.
As for the Souls of Giants weakening him, this is probably due to something like the rage of the giants trying to screw Vendrick over even in death because Vendrick was the one who murdered a couple Giants and stole something from them. They cam to Drangleic to get him, but they never actually reached Vendrick, because he decided to go chill in the Undead Crypt and give up his humanity. But the Giants may not be what he was afraid of since the giants were eventually defeated. And while the giants were wiped out or were forced to retreat we are given to understand that it was a pyrrhic victory. This isn't just something we can take from item descriptions, but the fact that everything is abandoned and in ruins, filled with hollowed out soldiers speaks for itself.
The weakening effect might also come from some guilt that Vendrick is feeling for killing the Giants for an unspecified prize or whatever. We really don't know and it's not ever explained. But it's just how it works. What that prize is, by the way, is never actually confirmed either, though, there is one very likely thing that it might be. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, it'll be more relevant next video.
One more thing that might be interesting to mention concerning Vendrick is that he's named just Vendrick in the game. Normally Dark Souls makes a point to give bosses that bear an actual name a title of sorts too, even if they've fallen (such as Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, rather than Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight or The Royal Aegis Velstadt). Vendrick on the other hand his just Vendrick. Possibly not significant at all, but it strikes me as kind of odd.
Boss Weapons
Soul of Vendrick, King of Drangleic.
The King was wasted away, a shadow of his former self, but still held something dear.
King's Shield

Trade Soul with: Ornifex
Moveset/Weapon Class: Shield
Physical Defense (+0/+5): 100/100
Fire Defense (+0/+5): 85/86.8
Scales with: STR (C), DEX (C), FIRE (C)
Requirements: 16 STR
In-Game Description:
Shield of Vendrick, King of Drangleic.
The great king shut himself away, and was soon reduced to a mere shell. Just what was it that he yearned to protect?
Ruler's Sword

Trade Soul with: Ornifex
Moveset/Weapon Class: Greatsword
Physical Damage (+0/+5): 112/280
Scales with: STR (C), DEX (C)
Requirements: 20 STR, 20 DEX, 16 INT, 16 FTH
Damage Type: Slash
In-Game Description:
Greatsword of Vendrick, king of Drangleic. The strength of this sword is relative to the number of souls possessed by its wielder.
The great king shut himself away, and was soon reduced to a mere shell. Just what was it that he yearned to protect?
Effect: attack boosted by souls held
Note: The power of this weapon stops increasing once 1 Million souls are reached. And there actually is a damage penalty if your souls are below 300,000
King's Ultra Greatsword

Trade Soul with: Ornifex
Moveset/Weapon Class: Statue of Nashandra ("Ultra Greatsword")
Physical Damage (+0/+5): 180 / 450
Scales with: STR (A/S), DEX (E)
Requirements: 50 STR, 10 DEX
Damage Type: Strike
In-Game Description:
An ultra greatsword forged from the soul of King Vendrick. Inflicts heavy damage on enemy armor.
Only the king knows whether the depiction of the Queen is a resentful mockery, or an affectionate exaltation.
Note: It actually does damage to enemy equipment. Also: It didn't always do strike damage. This was patched in at some point because... yeah this thing doesn't slash.
Dragon Remnants
This is the dueling covenant and it's pretty straight forward. Upon joining the covenant through Magerold after giving him the Petrified Egg you get a Dragon Eye, which allows you to place a special summon sign. A player in their world may summon you for a duel. During the duel there can't be any invasions or white phantoms, it's just the two of you. Whoever wins gets a Dragon Scale, which you can give to Magerold to level up the covenant.
For 10 Dragon Scales you get the Dragon Head Stone, which transforms your head into a Dragon and allows you to breathe fire if you use it again. This transformation lasts until death.
For 20 Dragon Scales you get the Dragon Torso Stone which transforms the rest of your body into a dragon. Using it again after transformed will cause a shockwave that staggers enemies. This transformation as well lasts until death.
For 30 Dragon Scales you get the Black Dragon Greatsword, a weapon that does not scale with anything and is not powerful enough to make up for that, and thus sucks. A raw infusion is probably the best for it.
Item Descriptions
Dragon Eye
Dark Souls II: Online play item. Invade a world with a Dragon Scale to claim the scale from its master.
If our human flesh is our greatest weakness, then those who seek a form that imitates the ancient dragons are true vanguards.
Dark Souls: Online play item.
Find a player who has acquired a Dragon Scale and invade that player's world to pillage it. (Only Covenanter can use the item).
An art of the transcendent apostles who pray to the ancient dragons. To be alive is to be vulnerable, and the fiery Gods are no exception. The apostles seek another plane of existence, which transcends life.
Ancient Dragon Seal
Ring of the Dragon Remnants covenant. Slightly increases Estus Flask HP recovery.
Possessing a dragon scale is proof of its owner's prowess. Strength should always be displayed boldly, and meted out justly.
Members of the covenant who bear dragon scales can fight with one another. The survivor of the duel claims the dragon scale of the opponent.
Dragon Head Stone
Dark Souls II: A stone containing the strength of dragons. Transforms the head into that of a fire-breathing dragon, an effect that will remain until death.
The zealots who sought everlasting life are said to have conducted rites to imbue stones with the strength of dragons, but their are no records confirming their success.
Dark Souls: Stone imbued with the power of the dragons. Rite of apostles of the ancient dragons. Gain head of dragon. Emit dragon breath.
The dragon apostles seek transcendence of life itself, attainable by transformation into an ancient dragon. This rite is only one step, but it cannot be reversed until death.
Dragon Torso Stone
Dark Souls II: A stone containing the strength of dragons. Transforms the body into a roaring dragon, an effect that will remain until death.
The Zealots who sought everlasting life are said to have conducted rites to imbue stones with the strength of dragons, but the truth of such claims is questionable.
Dark Souls: Stone imbued with the power of the dragons. Rite of apostles of the ancient dragons. Gain torso of dragon. Roar like a dragon.
The dragon apostles seek transcendence of life itself, attainable by transformation into an ancient dragon. This rite is only one step, but it cannot be reversed until death.
Black Dragon Greatsword
In legend, this oddly-shaped long sword is said to be forged from the black dragon's tail.
As it is told, the black dragon lost its tail to a brave warrior in a magnificent battle, and the tail was later used to forge several legendary weapons.
Note:The dragon here is probably Kalameet from the first game's DLC. Chopping off the tail would get the player the Obsidian Greatsword.